How long does a lash lift and tint take?

How long does a lash lift and tint take?

How Long Does a Lash Lift and Tint Take?

Lash lift and tint treatments have become increasingly popular in the world of beauty and cosmetics. Women often desire long, voluminous lashes that enhance their overall appearance. While mascara and false eyelashes can provide temporary solutions, lash lift and tint procedures offer a semi-permanent and more natural-looking alternative.

If you are considering getting a lash lift and tint, it is essential to understand how long the entire process takes. In this article, we will delve into the various aspects that contribute to the duration of a lash lift and tint treatment, including pre-treatment preparations, the procedure itself, and post-treatment care. So, let's get started!

Pre-Treatment Preparations

Before undergoing a lash lift and tint treatment, there are a few pre-treatment preparations you need to be aware of. These steps are crucial to ensure the best possible results and streamline the overall process.

  1. Consultation: A consultation with a certified lash technician is typically the first step. During this session, you can discuss your expectations, desired outcome, and any concerns you may have. The technician will assess your natural lashes and determine if you are a suitable candidate for the treatment.

During the consultation, it is important to communicate your desired lash look and any concerns you may have. The technician will examine your natural lashes to determine their condition and thickness. They will also evaluate the length and curl pattern of your lashes to determine the most suitable lift and tint technique for you. By understanding your expectations and assessing your natural lashes, the technician can tailor the treatment to achieve the best possible results.

  1. Patch Test: To ensure you are not allergic to the products used during the treatment, a patch test is usually conducted. This involves applying a small amount of the lash lift and tint products behind your ear or on your inner arm. It is important to have this test done at least 24 hours before your scheduled appointment.

The patch test is a crucial step to identify any potential allergic reactions to the products used during the treatment. This test helps ensure your safety and well-being during the lash lift and tint procedure. By applying a small amount of the products on a patch of skin, the technician can assess if you have any adverse reactions, such as redness, itching, or swelling. If any reactions occur, it may indicate an allergy to the products, and alternative options can be explored.

Once these pre-treatment preparations are complete, you can proceed with the actual lash lift and tint process.

The Lash Lift and Tint Procedure

The lash lift and tint procedure consist of several steps that work together to give you beautifully lifted and tinted lashes. Let's break down each step:

  1. Cleansing and Preparation: The lash technician will begin by gently cleansing your eyelashes to remove any oils or debris. This step ensures that the lifting and tinting products adhere properly to your lashes. They may also use a gentle primer to further prepare your lashes for the treatment.

The cleansing and preparation step is essential to remove any traces of oil, dirt, or makeup on your lashes. By thoroughly cleansing the lashes, the technician ensures that the lifting and tinting products can effectively penetrate and provide optimal results. The primer creates a clean and smooth surface for the products to adhere to, allowing for better product absorption and longevity of the lift and tint.

  1. Shield Placement: Next, the technician will apply a silicone shield or a rod to your eyelids. These shields or rods come in different sizes to accommodate various lash lengths and curl preferences. They are carefully placed along your lash line to lift and curl your lashes.

The shield or rod placement step is crucial for achieving the desired lift and curl of your lashes. The technician selects the appropriate size of the shield or rod based on your natural lash length and your desired outcome. By carefully positioning the shield or rod along your lash line, the technician ensures that your lashes are lifted and curled in a uniform manner. This step sets the foundation for the rest of the lash lift and tint procedure.

  1. Lifting Solution Application: A lifting solution is then applied to your lashes, which helps break down the disulphide bonds in the hair structure. This allows the lashes to be moulded into the desired shape or curl. The solution is left on for a specific amount of time, depending on your lash type and desired outcome.

The lifting solution is a key component of the lash lift process. It works by breaking down the disulphide bonds in the hair structure of your lashes, allowing them to be reshaped and curled. The duration of the lifting solution application depends on your natural lash type and the desired outcome. The technician carefully monitors the process to ensure that the lifting solution achieves the optimal curl and shape without over-processing the lashes.

  1. Neutraliser Application: After the lifting solution has done its job, a neutraliser is applied to your lashes. This step helps set the new shape and curl, ensuring the results last longer. The neutraliser is left on for a designated amount of time, usually a few minutes.

The neutraliser is an essential step in the lash lift process as it stabilises the new shape and curl of your lashes. It neutralises the effects of the lifting solution and locks the lashes into their new position. The duration of the neutraliser application is carefully timed to achieve the desired longevity of the lift while maintaining the integrity of the lashes. The neutraliser ensures that the curl and shape of your lashes are maintained for an extended period.

  1. Tinting: Once the lifting and neutralising process is complete, a lash tint is applied to add colour and depth to your lashes. The tint is carefully chosen to complement your natural features and desired look. It is left on for a short duration, typically around 10-15 minutes, depending on the desired intensity of the tint.

The tinting step enhances the overall appearance of your lashes by adding color and depth. The technician selects a tint shade that complements your natural features and desired look. The duration of the tinting process depends on the desired intensity of the colour. The tint is carefully applied to each lash, ensuring even coverage and avoiding any contact with the skin. This step adds vibrancy and definition to your lashes, enhancing your overall eye appearance.

  1. Final Steps: After the tint has developed, the technician will remove the shields or rods from your eyelids. They will then thoroughly cleanse your lashes to remove any residue or excess product. Finally, a nourishing serum or conditioner may be applied to keep your lashes healthy and moisturised.

The final steps of the lash lift and tint procedure involve removing the shields or rods and ensuring that your lashes are clean and nourished. The technician removes the shields or rods gently, taking care not to disturb the newly lifted and tinted lashes. Thorough cleansing is essential to remove any residue or excess product, leaving your lashes clean and ready to showcase their new lift and tint. The application of a nourishing serum or conditioner helps keep your lashes healthy, moisturised, and protected.

The overall duration of the lash lift and tint procedure can vary depending on various factors such as your natural lash condition, the experience of the technician, and the salon's specific techniques.

Post-Treatment Care

To ensure the longevity of your lash lift and tint results, proper post-treatment care is essential. Here are some tips to help you maintain your lifted and tinted lashes:

  1. Avoid Water and Heat: For the first 24-48 hours after the treatment, it is crucial to keep your lashes dry, avoiding water, steam, saunas, or hot showers. This allows the lifted lashes to set properly and ensures the tint lasts longer.

Proper aftercare is vital to ensure the best possible results of your lash lift and tint. During the initial 24-48 hours, it is essential to avoid exposing your lashes to water, heat, or steam. This precaution allows the lifted lashes to fully set and maintain their shape. Water, steam, saunas, or hot showers can potentially weaken the lift and cause the tint to fade prematurely. By avoiding these activities, you can prolong the longevity of your lash lift and tint.

  1. Avoid Rubbing or Touching: Refrain from rubbing or touching your lashes excessively, as this can disrupt the curl and potentially cause premature shedding.

To maintain the integrity of your lash lift and tint, it is important to avoid rubbing or touching your lashes excessively. Rubbing or touching the lashes can disturb the curl and potentially lead to premature shedding. It is advisable to be mindful of your lashes and avoid any unnecessary contact. By gently handling your lashes and refraining from rubbing or touching them, you can preserve the longevity of your lift and tint.

  1. Use Oil-Free Products: When applying makeup or removing eye makeup, opt for oil-free products. Oil-based products can weaken the lift and cause the tint to fade more quickly.

Choosing the right products for your lash lift and tint aftercare is crucial. When applying or removing makeup, it is recommended to use oil-free products. Oil-based products can compromise the lift and cause the tint to fade more quickly. By opting for oil-free alternatives, you can ensure that your lashes remain in optimal condition and maintain their vibrant color for an extended period.

  1. Avoid Mascara and Lash Curlers: While the lash lift and tint treatment already provide enhanced volume and curl, it is recommended to avoid using mascara or lash curlers on your treated lashes. This helps maintain the integrity of the lift and tint for an extended period.

The lash lift and tint treatment offer enhanced volume and curl to your lashes, making mascara or lash curlers unnecessary. It is advisable to avoid using mascara or lash curlers on your treated lashes as they can compromise the lift and tint. The additional weight of mascara or the mechanical pressure from lash curlers can cause the lashes to lose their shape and shorten their lifespan. By refraining from using these products, you can maximise the longevity of your lash lift and tint.

  1. Regular Brushing: Gently brush your lashes with a clean spoolie brush daily to keep them well-groomed and prevent any potential tangling or clumping.

Regular brushing is an important part of maintaining your lifted and tinted lashes. Using a clean spoolie brush, gently comb through your lashes daily to keep them well-groomed and prevent tangling or clumping. This simple step helps distribute the natural oils from the lash roots to the tips, keeping them nourished and promoting lash health. Regular brushing also helps maintain the desired lift and curl of your lashes, ensuring they stay beautifully lifted and defined.

By following these post-treatment care tips, you can enjoy the full benefits of your lash lift and tint for an extended period.


In summary, the duration of a lash lift and tint treatment can vary depending on the specific salon, the experience of the technician, and other individual factors. On average, the entire process can take approximately 1-2 hours, including the pre-treatment preparations and the actual procedure. However, it is important to allocate extra time for the consultation, patch test, and post-treatment care.

Remember, a lash lift and tint treatment is a semi-permanent solution that offers longer-lasting results compared to traditional mascara or false eyelashes. It enhances your natural lashes, providing a beautiful curl and an added touch of color. With proper care and maintenance, you can enjoy the benefits of your lifted and tinted lashes for 6-8 weeks before a touch-up is required.

Always consult with a certified lash technician who specializes in lash lift and tint treatments to ensure safe and satisfactory results.


  1. How long does a lash lift and tint treatment take?

    On average, a lash lift and tint treatment can take approximately 1-2 hours, including the pre-treatment preparations and the actual procedure.

  2. What are the pre-treatment preparations for a lash lift and tint?

    The pre-treatment preparations include a consultation with a certified lash technician to discuss expectations and concerns, and a patch test to check for any potential allergic reactions to the products used during the treatment.

  3. What are the steps involved in the lash lift and tint procedure?

    The lash lift and tint procedure involves cleansing and preparing the lashes, placing shields or rods to lift and curl the lashes, applying a lifting solution to reshape the lashes, applying a neutralizer to set the new shape and curl, tinting the lashes for added color, and completing the process with shield or rod removal and lash cleansing.

  4. How can I maintain the results of my lash lift and tint?

    To maintain the results of your lash lift and tint, it is important to avoid water and heat for the first 24-48 hours, refrain from rubbing or touching the lashes excessively, use oil-free products when applying or removing makeup, avoid using mascara or lash curlers, and regularly brush the lashes with a clean spoolie brush.

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